Since our first company, Lime, was established in 2003, we’ve grown to offer a huge variety of travel trade services across our three companies.

We won’t waffle on – instead, take your time to explore the services that could deliver the best solution for your challenges below.

As airfare specialists, Lime provides the trade with the best British Airways nett airfares in the industry.

Discover more with 24-hour access to our innovative booking systems, designed with tour operators in mind, giving you access to the best British Airways nett airfares in the industry that don’t require a GDS to access, book, and ticket.

Our small team are big on systems and support; our bespoke style for each means both large Tour Operators and start-up Travel Agents can benefit from our services with our knowledgeable teams available to guide you if you need any assistance or advice.

Visit Lime

Aviate was founded in 2009 with the purpose of offering the best flight content and fares to tour operators through a single source. Since then, we have grown to be more than just flights and now encompass multiple brands with a broad offering – each designed with tour operators in mind – Aviate Flights, Aviate Groups, and Aviate Additions.

Visit Aviate

Created to support Lime & Aviate’s tour operators with bespoke tech, Calrom has grown to partner with airlines in creating bespoke group booking and fare distribution systems.

Their unique understanding of airline’s challenges is shaped through their experience on both sides of the booking journey, allowing them to develop the technology that truly helps to grow airline revenue and build customer loyalty.

Visit Calrom

Infinite Travel Solutions

Travel tech with endless possibilities, plus our personalised outsourcing services.

Our Infinite products are offered across Lime, Calrom and Aviate, allowing you to tailor the product to your needs with access to top-notch customer support as standard.