Please complete the form below with the details to be featured on your signature.
Request your email signature
How to install your signature
1. Head to W: \Resources\Signatures\ and then your company folder.
2. Open the email.html file in your browser.
3. In your browser window go Ctrl+A (Select All – Edit > Select All) and then Ctrl+C (Copy – Edit > Copy).
4. In Outlook, navigate to File > Options > Mail > Signatures.
5. In the Signatures window click New, enter the name for your new signature and click OK.
6. In the signature window below, click once and then Ctrl+V (Paste).
7. Click on the name image then click on ‘Change & Replace Image’ icon.
8. In the File Explorer window, navigate to W: \Resources\Signatures\YourCompany\Names.
9. Select your name and click Insert.
10. Click OK to save and confirm changes.